
Corona: Everything is going well

Corona: Everything is going well


AmericaCorona and the Labor Party: Haben Forscher Maulkorb Verpasst Bekommen?

Drei Forscher of the US Verteidungs ​​​​ministries, responsible for the Coronavirus Fighting Laboratory, collected the data. Bericht sollen sie absichtlich verschwiegen worden sein.

Justin Arber
  • Defense Intelligence Agency Data melts Coronavirus along with Labor Party.

  • Geheimdienstchefs sollen versucht haben, diese Erkenntnisse von der Weiterverbreitung fernzuhalten.

  • Eine Sprecherin des Office of the Director of National Intelligence Widespricht.

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues in 2020, it has yet to rest. Theoretically, despite a Markt in Wuhan or the fall of the Labor Party, we have stopped Krankheit.

In the wake of the pandemic, two Wissenschafts from the Defense Intelligence Agency, such as John Hardham, Robert Cutlip and Jean-Paul, began to die, which found everything with the presence of the Virus.

Forschung zu die to Corona

A new study shows that because the “Wall Street Journal” does a much better job along with the “New York Post”, a very good study at the Verteidigungsministerium and a strong employee of the FBI, Covid is part of the Chinese Workers’ Party A development regarding -19. Doch mit ihrer Theorie seien sie word “von Geheimdienstchefs zum Schweigen gebracht”.

Information reported that in the early hours of August 2021, Bericht and President Joe Biden reached a new Portal, heralding the global Pandemic. Dieser Bericht kam zu dem Schluss, dass das Virus points to COVID “wahrscheinlich nicht genetisch manipuliert wurde”.

die in Daten

The search listed things that needed to be done early, and this was called something that had never been done before. What happened?

  • Covid-Virus caused a human development and started a war with a new structure, a new Chinese study.

  • The Chinese Militärs got off to a good start in Wochen when they received a new Covid-19 Effect Patent with the Virus in the early part of 2020. Dies, several times mind-blowing Monate Leistung erforderlich wären. It then accelerated further with the US-Ermittler’s entry into the fray of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

  • Wuhan Institute of Virology, USA-Forschern zusammengearbeitet haben, die sie darin ausbildeten, Viren zu construieren, ohne Spuren einer genetischen Manipulation zu background.

Der Maulkorb

Doch im Bericht saw a Quelle zur of the “New York Post” as an “ignored” word. Information about Cognitive Information and Congresses was provided. Then Senator Chuck Grassley appeared at a new event in March 2021. Wissenschaftler once again reached out to the FBI, before contacting a US intelligence agency in the United States, where a Laborunfall had a theory pointing to the virus, thus killing Quellen.

So is the FBI a parallel Untersuchung führte, sei zudem nicht zuinem a briefing of the Weissen Haus. “Da wir die einzige Behörde waren, die eine Laborherkunft für wahrscheinlicher hielt, und das höchste Vertrauen in unsere Analysis zur Quelle der Pandemie hatten, gingen wir davon aus, dass das das das FBI zum Briefing eingeladen würde”, FBI-Wissenschaftler Jason Bannan . “I found something very big, that Weisse Haus did nothing.”

Das Declaration

An office of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence is featured in the “Wall Street Journal” and it’s not a big deal, but the Briefings have been seen once again. Multifaceted perspectives show that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the National Intelligence Council Investigations relate to “all standards of analysis of the Geheimdienstgemeinschaft, numerous Objektivität” regarding Covid-19.

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