
Discussion with Liam Paynes Tod: Have Haben Boybands spoken out once again?

Discussion with Liam Paynes Tod: Have Haben Boybands spoken out once again?

A new discussion has been opened about Liam Payne’s Tod. Does System Boyband have a big Solo carrier most of the time?

“Letztlich macht nur einer das Rennen”: Stephan Rehm Rozanes (geb. 1980) and Fabian Soethof (geb. 1981), die Autoren von “Back for Good. Warum uns die Musik der 90er nicht loslässt” (Reclam), haben sich in İrem Buch works with System Boyband. I consider my interview somewhere in the news to be one of the best for a group on my own. This was something Tod was involved in at a time when One-Direction-Mitglieds Liam Payne (1993-2024) was doing nothing in the Music Branch.

There is 90s music in Ihrem Buch’s “Back for Good”. Check out Phänomen Boyband to learn more. Tod von Liam Payne also appears in the celebrity conversation. Was it a good idea, mentally, when you were in this branch in a joint kommen?

Rehm Rozanes and Soethof: Britney Spears’ new movie of Robbie Williams, a movie in which Robbie Williams left a very good mark and has a good character. Wollte man damals so gerne deren Leben führen, freut man sich heute doch darüber, eine vergleichsweise ereignislose, aber dafür behütete Jugend verbracht zu haben. Das Thema mentale Gesundheit also goes beyond Tisch. The Allerdings made too much money, the sodas were never given away, the momentary structure resulted in Popstars being better.

Guy Chambers, Songschreiber and Freund von Robbie Williams stated that Paynes, along with Tod die Branche, would not be available to under-18 talent. Do You Have an Idea of ​​Realistic Luck?

Rehm Rozanes and Soethof: Neither of them are on par with Teenager, the Music Industry’s biggest prospects. And with such an identity the youth is both real and Gleichaltrigen, but also anschlussfahig wahrnimmt.

Want to see Liam Paynes join One Direction and do well?

Rehm Rozanes and Soethof: Paynes Solokarriere fought with Erfolg back in the old Kollegen. With Harry Styles teaming up with Weltstar, Paynes released his 2017 Solo album, which debuted at Platz 111 in the US. Nothing might do any good, but we’ve made a start and once again we’ve made a new start, which means we don’t do anything on a normal night. The first 2023 is a Payne sich für einen aftritt in a Podcast, in them, many different Bandmitglieder gewettert hatte, entschuldigt und seine Aussagen kleinlaut als Versuch gewertet, “relevant zu bleiben”. Payne was introduced to music with One Direction: Niall Horan with Ed-Sheeran’s Folk-Pop sets and Zayn Malik’s Future-R’n’B with Paynes Materials having a touch of Dance-Pop. made him come together.

Is Gibt a new Zukunft of System Boyband?

Rehm Rozanes and Soethof: Lou Pearlman, who bet on Backstreet Boys and N*Sync, after Lebzeiten wiederholt: “Solange Gott impregnated Boybands.” Although there are many, many identity figures may or may not have anything to do with anything related to popular products. Dennoch: Group K-Pop groups together with BTS, Stray Kids and Blackpink, quickly collect the classic Fortsetzung of boy and girl groups and make the genre have an absolute good Zukunft. Der Erfolg dieser Ensembles dürfte allerdings sehr zum Nachteil ihrer Mitglieder ausfallen. This situation of K-Pop-Acts is worrying.

Über Robbie Williams did something to Ihrem Buch. We experienced a trauma in the Middle Ages with Liam Payne, and after a new day we said in Paynes’ Alter Machte: “Mit 31 hatte ich immer noch meine Dämonen. Ich wurde rückfällig.” Tod von Heath Ledger has a trick, something like that. Hat Ihrer Meinung nach dazu beigetragen, dass Williams die Kurve bekommen hat?

Rehm Rozanes und Soethof: Vermutlich war es Schlichtweg Glück, ein auffangendes personal Umfeld – ve sein unbedingter Wille einer anhaltenden, weltweiten Solokarriere. The Durchbruch was accompanied in the USA by more than 375,000 concerts and concerts in Knebworth in 2003, with major musical events in Königreichs in 2003. Teeth will be one of the top candidates for his former rival Gary Barlow among both the British and British press. A Getriebener war, first and offensive rechtzeitig Ruhe und Zuversicht fand und 2006 Ayda Field kennenlernte. Wirklich and serious treatments may help Frage choose Williams as therapy or treatment.

Wenn Boybands supported Zenit, frequently appearing with major solo acts such as Robbie Williams, Justin Timberlake and Harry Styles. What do you want?

Rehm Rozanes und Soethof: Das dürfte vor allem an Marktmechanismen liegen. Man, as a figure, is a konzentrieren, die zum Solostar aufbauen, but he will not be able to do anything. The man had something sensational with the functionality that Michael Jackson had and such good use of this simple formatting. It was a rivalry with Gary Barlow and Robbie Williams that allowed Take That to take on Rennen once again in Split.

Boybands are functional for all teenage Publikums, but Girlbands are of little use to Teenager-Jungs. Was it even das für Grinde?

Rehm Rozanes und Soethof: (Prä-)Pubertierende Jungs had a great day and ihren Kumpels gefallen. This was something about music about music, this was something about music, or write another “else”. Sie schwärmen untereinander vielleicht von bestimmten von mädchen in Irem Umfeld, wollen sich aber mutmaßlich und wegen der immer anhaltenden Socialization in the best traditional socialization, never Blöße pregnant, poster or Konzertbesuche weiblicher Acts eine “weiche” Seite zu zeigen. Cool Rapper in the identity of a Boyband among the teenage girls of the Spice Girls, one of Zweifel’s best girls or another “hot” fan. It’s not like the Spice Girls have a new role model and a new fashion model.

Ihrem Buch has reached Britpop. Is there a lot of excitement about the Oasis Comeback Tour?

Rehm Rozanes and Soethof: Der Hype, grotesque überzogen – schließlich hatte nach fünf der Band, die heute keiner mehr kennt, kein Hahn mehr nach Oasis gekräht, ass die 2009 trennten. Andererseits leben wir – ve besonders das vom Brexit gebrutelte UK – mittlerweile iner Welt, die uns permanent einschüchtert und wenig Hoffnung gibt. Da wünscht man sich eben für einen Abend die Wiederherstellung der 90er-Jahre herbei, eine Zeitreise in die eigene, sichere Jugend, ve dagegen ist auch nichts einzuwenden. Da ist nun mal Nostalgie. It’s a perfect soundtrack oasis, filled with anthems like “Live Forever” and “Cigarettes and Alcohol.”

Stephan Rehm Rozanes is the conductor of “Musikexpress” and also acts as DJ, Podcast and Radio moderator. Fabian Soethof is a Journalist, Author and Columnist. From 2013 to 2023 Online Edits called “Musikexpress” were released.
