
LoL World Championship Final: ‘Faker’ in Title 4 of T1 history

LoL World Championship Final: ‘Faker’ in Title 4 of T1 history

Legend has it: ‘The Impostor’ launched T1 and brought a fun title. WM’s “Dämonenkönig” – Highlights:

An ‘impostor’ is a person with malicious intent. All Wahrscheinlichkeiten and individual strong Teams have a good world experience and a better performance as “unsterbliche Damonenkönig”. T1 Kampf is among the fun parties of Korea and BiliBili Gaming (BLG) and China. Koreans are experiencing one of the best games of Chinese Teams and world championships in League of Legends (World Championship). Warum? ‘Fake’. Hier sind die fünf Partien im Überblick:

The ruler of BLG: Früher Vorteil in Spiel 1

T1 will restart and choose between Yone and Gnar Champions for the next Match Phase. Doch die Rechnung war ohne die titelhungrigen Chinesen gemacht.

Smartly move Laning-Phase to BLG, select ‘Dämonenprinz’ ‘Gumayusi’, AD-Carry ‘Elk’ to Gold and work with a stationary Druck. There is a game in T1.

Es war Zeit – With BLG ascending to the throne of Midlaner ‘knight’ and wollte ‘Faker’. This is a very good thing.
Colin Young-Wolff/Rebel Games

‘Impostor’ was late at Farm, stayed on the cards and BLG with Gegner, and continued at Pause. Became a supporter of ‘Keria’, a supporter of Ashe-Pfeil, and a supporter of ‘Forger’ – then do:

“Exquisite Coordination” was played in BLG and Tag, in T1 Versuchen, zurück to find the game and 27 Minute Match 1.

Nun war der Weltmeister gefordert. The old game is worrying about a T1-Spezialität: It was so clever early on – and was published in the 2nd draft. Now you can benefit from Carry ‘Gumayusi’ – “Dämonenprinz” or “Faker” online services and keep the same amount of time.

A Blick appeared in the World Championship final at the O2-Arena in London.
Colin Young-Wolff/Rebel Games

Der Weltmeister schlägt zurück: The Answer of T1 in Spiel 2

Basic principles of Entsprechend lief die Championauswahl. Zunächst Jax and Skarner, one of a team of jewels. Weibos Fehler will have a better experience. The best game character for T1 schaffte es, für Supporter ‘Keria’ Renata zu sichern. This is the feature of Analyst Desk and Caster for T1 definition. Der Weltmeister works wonders with Ornn and Nocturne. Nothing more was done in the World Championship, but the identity of the T1 Team was successful.

Game 2 began to identify: ‘Gumayusi’, in Jungle noch after Laning-Phase aufgepickt, T1 got on his nerves. And Wende: BLG called “Dämonenprinz” in a Camp introduced T1 into the game, without introducing 0 HP support. Zwei Schnelle Kills, dann eine lange Belagerung des oberen Turms. BLG should have something to include Erfahrungspunkte and Unterzahl included in the card: T1 gives the chance to have a Vorsprung with ‘Gumayusi’.

Analyst Sam ‘Kobe’ Hartman-Kenzler made the 2024 final and edged out Einschätzungen.
Colin Young-Wolff/Rebel Games

Team Identity from Tragen: “T1 was exactly Karte zu verdunkeln and Gegner’s aufzupicken”, analyzing Kobe. Ornn and Night, throughout the night: Night Nights in BLG can go big distances with the choice of Ultimate.

Switch to T1 from the best 2023-Zeiten zurück and I hunt in Wespenschwarm: The ‘fake’ spazierte plan rod during the fluss caused Mann to become enraged – it spread comfortably in the Kollegen and the tile turned into a source of hot water.

‘Faker’ is a huge display, perfect for the whole team and offers excellent options. Baron war damit gesichert – sowie das Spiel. Select Buff, 10k Gold-Vorsprung and Grubs with nothing but Ornn’s BLG: Belagerung brach durch und der Weltmeister glich aus. Teams has strong ideas, but once again we’ve nailed it.

Strategische Fehltritte: T1 strauchelt in Spiel 3

There is also a lot in Spiel 3 for geltung kommen. T1 moved in for a schnellen of Jax-Pick, showing how good Jax is or the champions win nothing. Back to Eigentlich des Weltmeisters Spezialität das Zusammenspiel zum Desaster.

BLG is a “Ballista-Combo”, also teaming up with Blitzcrank and Kallista, Galio, and a Kindred. A Team Reassembled and Selected: T1 never worked. Statt sicher zu spielen, die Karte mit Sicht-Wards aufzudecken, wollte man agieren, nicht reagieren: ‘Oner’ versuchte, Kindred die erste markierte Krabbe zu stehlen und bezahlte mit seinem Leben und First Blood. Danach: ‘Faker’ needs to have more chances and BLG needs to lose ‘Schneeball’.

“Dämonenprinz” ‘Gumayusi’ delivers a solid performance and is called “Carrypants überzustreifen”.
Colin Young-Wolff/Rebel Games

“Sie ersticken T1s Chancen zurückzukommen”, urteilten die Caster. In parallel with their damn offensive game. Attack Teleport passed Blatt, T1 never left Schaden and Gegner had to make another play with his game. Korean, Tode, Verloren Baron and Dann Kel Danach and much more than Basis. 2:1 and Matchpoint for China. T1 mit einer individual und gemeinschaftlich schlechten Leistung, die Fragen aufkommen ließ, wie der Weltmeister es überhaupt bis hierher geschafft hatte. There are no more wars in Vom Feuer aus Spiel 2.

‘The Imposter’ übernimmt: Re-read Die Legende Spiel 4

Ashe offers an opportunity for ‘Gumayusi’ to prosper: First Selection. BLG blindsided Gnar and Ziggs. ‘Faker’s Sylas’ is in Anwarter with Lategame Versicherung Smolder. T1 isn’t such a bad thing despite the Rumble. And along with this: “Counterfeiter, Crooker, Gamemaker” caused a huge increase.

Teamkapitän spürte, dass seiner Mannschaft die development of morality and a very large Verantwortung. Gaming Plans are very good, BLG will be playing a lot more games in the long run before joining 4k Gold. T1 needs to move faster and into fewer game phases. And yet it is. Zwar gelang es BLG, Rumble, Fontäne zu zurück dreimal zurück after half a night. ‘Zeus’ is very relevant in Gold und Erfahrung.

Supporter ‘Keria’ joins T1 in Spiel 2 in Sieg führen.
Colin Young-Wolff/Rebel Games

Grubs, who was in the Zentrum against Spiele, the ‘Kobe’ news analyst, was in extremely good shape. 6-Focus on big T1 from Grub-Buff, night on Rift Herald, and griff on Drachen a few times. BLG had a great day with the gold in 20 minutes. Sogar Drache Nummer placed at T1 for more skalieren. Aber dann übernahm Ausnahmespieler ‘Fake’: A magnificent Überfall, all around the team and their records, everything went well and turned out much better.

Wespenschwarm T1 says Mühe hinterherzukommen und ‘Faker’ never anything else: Beschwerlich sah das aus, knapp und klappte nur mitstützung. Jedoch: Den Moralschub war es wert, zu zeigen, dass alles möglich ist. up to 500. Kill the World Championship stars and set new records. Spiel schaffte es T1 makes BLGs perform fundamentally better. Ausgleich!

All Things and Nights: Showdown at Spiel 5

Jetzt galt es. T1 features Jax in his fight with ‘Zeus’, distracting Gragas, who is ‘Faker’s Galio’. Among the rest are the “Comfort Picks” – often the best matches between the Best Teams: Between the best tried Champions. ‘Kobe’ is called “Aufregendste Spiel” and is the best thing in Tanz in Rasierklinge. Beide Teams gives kleine Kämpfe an even more immersed taste. Ausnahmetalent ‘Knight’ – BLG’s Midlaner – schnappte sich as ‘Faker’ goes to war with Ahri. What will happen? Die Caster’s statements: Selection in the best league is expected. This is beautiful: China’s First Blood meets a Jungler with Jarven called “unsterblichen Dämonenkönig”.

“Am Ende steht nur noch einer, und das bin ich” -‘Faker’.
Colin Young-Wolff/Rebel Games

The higher success of Grubs: All Spieler was a fresh start as a new beginning. Der Tanz was T1’s collaboration with ‘Faker’. And it was one. No war is the only bank in Teamkämpfen. Ultimate Hatte der Weltmeister dragged Schild into the Hinterhand. Another ‘Impostor’ uses more than Carrying Pants as part of MVP-Auszeichnung: “Alle Wege führen zu mir. Der Letzte, der steht, das bin ich“, airs in 2023, and there’s much more to come in Spiel 5.

Galio, a Gargoyle named Gargoyle, is with Stein in the Tag Team Championship. “Unsterblich” belongs to all Namen alle Ehre. Besonders bemerkenswert: ein eigentlich guter Ansatz von BLG. Play ‘Gumayusi’ in a Teamkampf, first trigger the Beschwörer-Fertigkeiten and then select it with a game. We are at Puzzlestück in Sieg Gewesen. He had his ‘impostor’ hat and dagegen. The remaining teams entered the “Entrance of the Heroes” and left Himmel, returned to Kollegen and went to Kampf. The game is a 1vs4. Wenn, Dr. Wenn leads Schultern’s team.

With Topplaner ‘Zeus’ Pokal.
Colin Young-Wolff/Rebel Games

The rest war and geübt: Baron geholt, Anlauf eingerissen for the first time with its basics – one of the best of a teams worldwide. All Wide Standards, in one Season, Top Games and a wide variety of Super Teams, packed with Korean Fun Entertainment. 2023 made war with a big title, Titelverteidigung wird es aber sein, die in die Geschichte eingeht. Mit den fünf Spielern, ihrem dritten Finale in drei Jahren standen ve ihren zweiten Pokal holten.

hkr, Mitarbeit: Jessica Hahnengreß