
Richard Lugner wants to be with Donald Trump

Richard Lugner wants to be with Donald Trump

On July 24, Tod and I had an interview, where Richard “Mörtel” Lugner talked about the “Kronen Zeitung” interview. 91-Jährige’s expansion into the USA-Wahlen and his resort to another political policy. As a Trump fan, Lugner is best friends with Kamala Harris and thinks Trump is “Europe’s gift.”

Gespräch regarding the “Kronen Zeitung” in Baulöwe, this Zeitpunkt has a hint of Herzoperation, something Harris has a competent and relaxed stance. These men were captured by Werdegang, where Harris served as a major general. “Sie war Generalstaatsanwältin und ist sogar fröhlich”, Lugner im Interview.

Lugner chose to stay “Behind Trump” in the Middle Ages. Diese Bezeichnung is a product that is considered a Compliment, which is the slightest criticism. Lugner concrete, dass Trumps Geschäftserfolge oft von Insolvenzen überschattet wurden – ve sagte rückblickend: “Das war ein Warnschuss.” Trump has a political criticism regarding Atomic Energy in Iran and NATO’s Androhungen.

And Miss Simone Lugner (42) is Tod’s best friend, Lugner has had Faible longer than Harris. In the United States, one style and another Hosenanzüge were confused and frequently renewed: «Wie die ‹Kämela>, die hat auch die Hosen an.»