
Als Michael Schumacher is very deadly and unlucky

Als Michael Schumacher is very deadly and unlucky

Michael Schumacher has a versatile dramaturgy. Skiunfall was considered the best. Seitdem has made Formel-1-Legende one of the family. In an An, a Davor and a Danach, everything was dissolved.

Die allerersten Meldungen am frühen Nachmittag jenes 29. December 2013 gaben keinen übermäßigen Anlass zur Sorge. Michael Schumacherso Radiosender “Europe 1” was a Skiunfall in a Gehirnerschütterung in the Alpen in France. “Radio Monte Carlo” is among the best of Meribel Ski Station Director Christophe Gernignon-Lecomte’s World Records. Der Formel 1 In a Krankenhaus geflogen word Sicherheit zur Sicherheit for Helicopter.

Wenige Stunden caused a quick temper of the German Formel-1-Idol. I must say, Michael Schumacher has embarked on a new journey. Any official Mitteilung said that Sturz was “A Kopftrauma with coma, das umgehend a neurological treatment method.”

Schumachers Unfall trifft Sportwelt ins Mark

And the elf Jahre danach ist dieser Moment, a bitter pain Gewissheit wurde, schwer zu greifen in them. Die lebensbedrohliche Dimension von Schumachers Skiunfall traf die Sportwelt ins Mark. The schwierige of the 91 ill-fated Grand Prix Siegers caused great excitement, with great speculation, a powerful Wünschen and an emotional Erinnerungen.

It was, it was, it was schnell erzählt. Schumacher performed an operation in Schädel-Hirn-Trauma, and in September 2014 he performed an operation with a major operation. With the Formel 1 in Germany having achieved much greater success, the Zustand des Mannes has wider scope for a considerably larger and larger Schlagzeilen.

Michael Schumacher encountered something not good in his world and in his family. Trotzdem or Gerade is interesting with the Tragischen Schicksal of Sporikone. I won Schicksal des Mannes, more than 300 Rennen formal 1.

And after having such a simple experience with family and friends, there is a Leben in a Davor and a Danach.