
“Scheiß drauf!”: “Pikachu” appears at Achtelfinale der Darts-WM

“Scheiß drauf!”: “Pikachu” appears at Achtelfinale der Darts-WM

Pikachu electricity from Ally Pally: Darts-Hoffnung, Ricardo Pietreczko allowed to make the final at the Weltmeisterschaft in London. In the dry run of Nuremberg from England, Scott Williams was outpaced by 4:1.

Erster Achtelfinal-Einzug: Freundin Lena as “Schlüssel”

“Ich habe immer wieder runtergeschaut zu Lena (Pietrezckos Freundin, Anm. d. Red.) and sie meinte: ‘Ja, es passt.’ Das war der Schlüssel für mich”, sagte Pietreczko, Spitzname “Pikachu”, bei DAZN. Der Weltranglisten-34. This is the first time in Germany with German Gabriel Clemens, along with Ally Pally’s greatest Runde. Kontrahent Williams, WM Semi-Finalist in Vorjahr, awarded Weltmeister Rob Cross and appeared in Darts-Szene for the “Spielchen” awaited by Bühne.

Williams stänkert – Pietreczko is so cool

“I will Konzentrieren and feed my heart from now on”, I’m talking about 30-Jährige vorab on Sport1. Williams defeated Gegner for the first time in the old Satz and made even more impressive moves in the Richtung der Fans. Doch Pietreczko had a great performance, entering a 2:2 Re-Break and completing the first 180 in the Satzgewinns match against Ärmel.

Danach arranged for Pietreczko to sign Griff and get more and more. In Darts, a score of 501 points was achieved with a score of 0 points. Dart is supposed to be in the “Doppelfeld”, part of the Scheibe Ring. And this is a very important thing. The 3:1 game on Sätzen in Führung resulted in a high-quality Satz with 129 points. Wenig später took part in the party 121 with a view that did not attract any attention.

“Pikachu” French: “Scheiß drauf, mach ich”

“Ich habe es einfach gefühlt und hatte Bock drauf”, sagte Pietreczko über seine riskante Spielweise: “Ich hab mir gedacht: Scheiß drauf, mach ich.” I finished Finish (Zum Beenden des Satzes) very well – this is more than WM Konkurrenz’s Durchschnitt. Coolness noted that Pietreczko defeated Junior Weltmeister Gian van Veen (3:1), with the previous Chinese Zong Xiaochen defeated before being pinned.

Pietreczko appeared in the Sieger final of the two-finalist batch of Nathan Aspinall and Andrew Gilding. Nachmittag session was held in Samstag.