
Dresdner Kabarett-Ensemble “Die Herkuleskeule” performed at the Brandenburger Theater

Dresdner Kabarett-Ensemble “Die Herkuleskeule” performed at the Brandenburger Theater

Both Satire-Stück are located in the Schauplatz gesellschaftlicher Konflik in the Dresdner Spätshop. A/C activities, Influencers, Gender Critics and numerous polarizing groups host more Stammgäste das Geschehen.

The program is a simple Schwarz-Weiß-Klischees more broadly a program for the Witz and Scharfer Beobachtungen in the Gesellschaft.

Under the direction of Michael Frowin, alongside Philipp Schaller, Sophie Lüpfert, Beate Laaß and Detlef Nier from Bühne, who worked wonders with Buch. Thomas Wand served as the musical ensemble. Zuschauer, with Tiefgang, produced a Sketch of Humor and Nonsense into a beautiful text.

Tickets are available for 27 euros and can be purchased by calling 03381 / 511-111 or online ( gebucht werden.

Version order: Brandenburger Theatre, Grabenstraße 14, 14776 Brandenburg an der Havel