
Atmosphere Core ernennt zwei neue Führungskräfte

Atmosphere Core ernennt zwei neue Führungskräfte

The International Hotels Atmosphere Core is developing new strategies at Führungsteam. Alain Camille Trefois is the new Managing Director of SENTIDO OBLU Helengeli, one of the Vier-Sterne-Superior-Resort and Taucherparadies. Mohammed Belhacen serves as Revenue Director of Rolle des Cluster Marken Atmosphere Hotels and Holiday Villages and COLORS OF OBLU.

Ashwin Handa, Senior Vice President of Operations for Atmosphere Core, said: “Atmosphere Core operates with a culture that comes from the Ethos der Freude in Schenken. Therefore, some teams, including those employed, did nothing while doing creative work. Alains bemerkenswerte Fähigkeit, Teams zu inspires and gives further information, Bereich Ertragsmanagement with Muhammed Fachwissen one of the best games among, Gästeerlebnisse zu Verbessern und Nachhaltiges Wachstum zu fördern.”

Über Alain Trefois, General Manager of SENTIDO OBLU Helengeli

There was an Erfahrung in Gastgewerbe with Alain Trefois from the Team on Helengeli Island. Karriere has a rebranded position as an international brand in Belgium, Frankreich, Spain, Schweiz and Great Britain. It consists of Betriebs such as Seine Expertise, Luxushotels und Resorts, Gastronomy, Zimmerverwaltung and Spa und Wellness. This allowed Häuser to log into Destination earlier and allow Teams to perform better. The Belgian Gebürtige is a Musterbeispiel for the Weltbürgerschaft, so it has a rich flight with Niederländisch, English, Französisch, Spanisch and Deutsch. A multicultural education is a start in the Gastgewerbe and the Team Führung. Zu seiner neuen Aufgaben told Alain Trefois: “Die Insel Helengeli ist in der Nature verwurzelt und bietet mit ihrem unvergleichlichen Hausriff und den außergewöhnlichen Tauchkanälen einzigartiges Erlebnis. For the entspannte, Lockere Charme der Insel is a wonderful thing. Veressern and Unvergessliche Momente für Reisende aus aller Welt zu Schaffen of the SENTIDO OBLU Service. For me, it’s a great way to practice, provide a better experience for my team, do creative work, work professionally and more.“

Über Mohammed Belhacen, Revenue für sieben Resorts Cluster Director

Mohammed Belhacen became part of Atmosphere Core as Revenue Director of Atmosphere Hotels and Resorts Revenues and COLORS OF OBLU. Franzose applied for a Revenue Management Career at the global Ebene Zurück and encountered battles in great Britain in Canada, Frankreich, Marokko and Switzerland. We determined a good strategy for Mittelbis zur Hotels in Luxusklasse and got along much better with Freizeitals, which is the focal point of Gruppenmarkt. Mohammed Belhacen has an extremely good culture at Teams and is very well positioned in the international brand renamed Führung. Zuletzt is also the Multi-Hotel Senior Director of Revenue for Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts and is involved in its portfolio of hotels in Marokko. New Functionality is the best Fachwissen in better planning, marketing and strategy insights, thus creating another opportunity for rentability and extended holiday resorts. “I think Revenue Management is an excellent thing,” said Muhammed Belhacen. „Von der Optimerung der Preisstrukturen bis hin zur Schließung von Belegungslücken muss jedes Element nahtlos ineinander greifen. I take advantage of the great opportunities that my worldwide Fachwissen and Teams offer for Erfolg’s resorts as an innovative strategy for an innovative strategy.“

More about the Atmospheric Core

bildnachweis: © Atmosfer Hotels and Holiday Villages