
Fan Theory Verrät Rockstars Plane

Fan Theory Verrät Rockstars Plane

The first Trailer of Grand Theft Auto 6 is still being released by Rockstar. Fans will use any funds available to purchase a new Trailer. Der Termin is a very good thing.

GTA 6: Thinking about something related to the deadline?

Is there a new Trailer for GTA 6? Rockstar has decided not to do anything anymore. Fans have concerns Entwicks left school long ago Hinweis from entscheiden gegeben hat.

Concluding for New Trailers is a big deal in a Tweet in GTA Online. Der zeigt im Nachthimmel einen abnehmenden Mond. Best Works of Mondkalenders Reddit and X’s Fans (on Twitter) made Trabant serve as Welt in Nächstes 22. November I am Himmel steht in dieser Form.

Did you buy GTA-Fans from Verstand?

Didn’t Theorie die in Wahnsinn? Vielleicht. Nothing happened. Tatsächlich made Mond-Theorie, one of Rockstar’s best examples of Vergangenheit. I Tweeted from One of the Old Trailers 1. December behind. Rockstar has a tag with the first Trailer for GTA 6. Nur Zufall?

GTA 6: Mond-Theorie zu trauen?

Mond-Theorie once again did a good job on social networks and this continued for a very long time. Spekulationen klingen logisch, doch es Go to Zweifel. Naturally, Allen is an unknown name that Rockstar had a great experience with at Monds Hinweise.

Selbst said that Theorie Richtig Liegt had no concerns in the tatsächlich of the Trailer in a news on the 22nd November. Der Mond found nothing in Bild’s gezeigten Phase. Die Ankundigung könnte de an einem later data. Auch die erste Mond-Theorie im letzten Jahr hat mehrere Termine zugelassen (Quelle: reddit).

The reveals are accompanied by a new Trailer or other promotional video from Rockstar Games. In fact, Fall is a Darauf of Mond-Theorie, dass die Fans unbedingt new Information For GTA 6 game.