
Agents, Locations, and Thin Client

Agents, Locations, and Thin Client

I am a better partner conference Ignite enabled Microsoft to take advantage of new features for Kunden and Partner präsentiert. As part of our Ignition for all gross Themes, we reviewed the KI on Copilot.

Allen manages Co-Pilot Actions by personally enabling private preview. Unfortunately, all tasks are completed automatically. Actions are enriched in Microsoft-365-App and later added to KI-Makro as well, which helps enrich Nutzer. There is also a list that Microsoft lists from which new mail is automatically sent or mail in Rückkehr is automatically sent.

There is a new Co-Pilot Agent for Sharepoint, a Dolmetscher-Agent in Teams for Echtzeit-Übersetzungen (including Stimmen-Simulation) and an Employee Self-Service Agent as an enriched service provider for another. Teams need an Echtzeit-Besprechungs notification and a representative for a representative agent of the Planner, with the automatic realization of project management.

Teams, as we have already mentioned, is located in the Arbeitsplatz-Organizations-App Places sein, as previously mentioned (KI-getriebene, naturally). A lot has to do with equipping teams with hybrid aircraft and reserves. Ausserdem gibt Places auch Empfehlungen ab, a welchem ​​​​Tag es sich besonders, ins Büro zu kommen. The meetings took place together with meetings consisting of Vorgaben der Vorgesetzten of Kollegen and Kolleginnen.

Azure AI Foundry created a new platform and created a management platform with management from KI-Tools. Azure AI Foundry is a “bald” feature in Preview as Azure AI Foundry SDK (in Preview), Azure AI Foundry Portal (Azure AI Studio elements are available in Preview), and Azure AI Agent Service. .

And last but not least, Microsoft calls its new hardware a Thin Client, Windows 365 Connectivity. This app is the “original Cloud PC for Windows 365” along with Cloud PC from Microsoft. It offers many features including Security by Design, Dual 4K Monitor Support, Wifi 6 and Bluetooth 5.3. Verfügbar sold Windows 365 Connectivity in April 2025 for $350. (boiler)