
Pearl Cohn student accused of threatening mass assault on Instagram

Pearl Cohn student accused of threatening mass assault on Instagram

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – A 16-year-old Nashville high school student is facing charges following a mass assault threatening message sent via Instagram, according to the Metro Nashville Police Department.

MNPD reported that a Pearl Cohn High School student was arrested Friday morning for allegedly posting “a terrifying threat to commit a mass shooting on Instagram.”

Police said screenshots of the messages were sent to the principal on Thursday night and the student was identified as the owner of the Instagram account. The teen was arrested by MNPD’s Rapid School Safety Team when he arrived at school Friday morning.

He later allegedly admitted to sending threatening messages. The 16-year-old boy is charged in the Children’s Court with making threats of mass violence and reporting false information.

“Threats to schools, special events and businesses are taken very seriously by MNPD. Once those responsible are identified, a lawsuit will be filed against them,” MNPD emphasized.