
Commodity sales reached 800 Million Euros and were sold to the EU

Commodity sales reached 800 Million Euros and were sold to the EU

We will die with a security plan that will cost 800 Million Euros, the Meta of the European Union implies Facebook. Tagschau berichtet. Der Vorwurf: On Facebook Marketplace, a Markmacht ausgenutzt haben from Kleinanzeigen-Dienst des Unternehmens was unfairly pushed. The EU Commissariat is a Meinung where Netzwerk maintains its dominance in social networks and Pazaryeri works with katapultieren and Konkurrenz.

EU Commission was treated unfairly at Facebook-Marktplatz

This issue is on the agenda of the EU, automatically bringing Facebook Accounts to the Marketplace and standardizing Anzeigen – nothing that might interest you. Learn more and learn more: Learn more eBay or Vinted. Then there were the evaluations of Werbekunden von Werbekunden, a selbst for Wettbewerbsvorteil zu verschaffen.

Meta zeigt sich wenig begeistert von dem Urteil und hat bereits angekündigt, in Berufung zu gehen. Das Unternehmen argument, an argument in which the European Union is in no way accepted, Wettbewerber or Verbraucher tatsächlich geschädigt wurden. Meta was cemented with Nutzer from Facebook Marketplace and is not toured anywhere.

Strafe is an important thing that allowed AB to become a technology product. Find a way to start a company with Google and Apple. Die Botschaft der EU bleibt dabei klar: Wer eine marktbeherrschende Position innehat, muss besonders darauf achten, fair zu spielen ve den Wettbewerb nicht zu verzerren. Dieser Schritt has a new series in a series with a large technology conservatory of the European Union and has a larger area to have a better market.

What happened? Tagesschau