
iX-Workshop: Nach dem Einbruch – Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)

iX-Workshop: Nach dem Einbruch – Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)

Security tags are used to combat cyber attacks during Phishing, Ransomware, Malware or other Cyber ​​Attacks. This makes the transfer of data from and to the IT-System more efficient, enabling a new data transfer.


I love iX-Workshop Digital Forensics and Incident Response Learn Tools and Technologies to recognize Cyber ​​Security System early, define your Systems, enable Security and enable them. Next, activate your response to cyber attacks and return to normal professionalism.

In this workshop, work with a good Windows Machine where you can directly apply the best Techniques and Strategies and choose the Applications you can apply.

Call your reference Johann Rabbow during the workshop. Oneconsult, Head of Als Digital Forensics and Incident Response Expert, is a Consultant Using Methods That Protect You from Cyber ​​Attacks and Allow Befehl.
