
Treffen with Biden: Wie Trump and Weißen Haus allowed their views

Treffen with Biden: Wie Trump and Weißen Haus allowed their views

The critic evaluated Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the Oval Office as a very good freundlichen Gespräch. Discussions on themes such as Ukraine, China and national Sicherheit are a symbolic moment for the Übergang.

This is a tradition in the United States in the Oval Office. There were frequent exchanges with Joe Biden and Donald Trump, a confirmation of Treffen’s friendship. I love a Sache.

We quickly met Donald Trump and the Weißen Haus in the dangerous Amtsträger, which has a private register. Damals stood by President Barack Obama.

Mittwochmorgen fuhr Trumps gepanzerte Autokolonne erneut am Oval Office vor. With Zweck’s jetzt war, we created Macht geordnet with a new Staatschef. “When everything was going well, that’s a big deal – this is the opposite thing. When everything was going well, it was like Joe Biden coming back and Trump backing down.”

This is something the Democratic Party is allowed to do by the will of the Republicans. Verlorene Verlorene Wahl anerkennt und zvilisiert shortened. “Du kannst dein Land nicht nur lieben, wenn du gewinnst”, Hatte Biden am Tag nach Trumps Triumph in einer Fernsehansprache gesagt. This is a genaue Gegenteil design, a new Niederlage tat of Trump 2020.

“Aber heute ist die Welt schön”

45. and bald 47. What was interesting was this: “Politics is hard. And this world is not a good thing at all. “Aber heute ist die Welt schön” impressed Trump with the Bidens’ poor performance. Quickly and quickly the 82-jährige Hausherr and the 78-jähriger Gast, together with the World Bureau, left behind a Kaminfeuer flackerte in the Hintergrund. Jill Biden met once again at a Willkommens briefing and Trumps Gattin. Melania Trump did not anger Reise at all in Hauptstadt.

Vergessen says Mittwoch is suffering from Monate des Wahlkampfs. Beide hatten sich wüst beschimpft. Trump called Biden a “stupid,” a person with “no IQ” and “Something about the times.” Biden points to a strain also known as “Arschloch,” as Reporter Chris Whipple writes in “The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House.”

This is an opportunity for Biden to be better. Manchmal braches aus ihm heraus, er wirklich dachte. “There are many events”, considered a small event in October. “Politician” falls further into the background, as well as a very important statement directed at Trump. Politisch verhängnisvollster Angriff succeeded in Wahlkampfs’ Wochen and also became Trump’s “Müll” bezeichnete.

Davon war Mittwoch nichts zu spüren. Trump “strengthened” the Sprecherin of Weißen Houses in Nachgang. Biden grins at the Newcomer Treffens for the cameras. As reporters, we had a very successful run in the Oval Office, which was one of the best pressures and everything always went well.

Obama’s Ratschlag plan gewirkt zu haben

Biden once again brought Vorgänger and Nachfolger together in Gelegenheit and, like Trump did with Kopf, Weg zu died. Also in 2016, Obama’s Wahlsieg issued a warning against the Democratic Party in North Korea. Trump then led Schilderungen to a dramatic takeover of the Vorgängers. Belegt dies wie sehr bei ihm hangengen lieb.

Along with Trump, Biden also took on different themes of America: China, Iran and Ukraine, Jake Sullivan’s National Sicherheitsberater. “An Aggressor is of interest to the United States, but has nothing to do with Krieg. Jeder Dollar for Ukraine is an investment in the American Verteidigungsindustrie. Das ist die Botschaft, die Biden für Trump hat“, i.e. Sullivan.

This is our Geheimnis, the King of Schicksal in Ukraine and Herzen. In the West, Putin was successful when he took over Russia. A Last Minute Besuch of Wahl in Berlin is a festival tonight. Trump hat, Ukraine-Krieg binnen became more than 24.