
New Updates and New Projects

New Updates and New Projects

More than a lot of “Drova Forsaken King”, a lot of Updates!

Deck13 Spotlight and the spirit of Just2D enable Drova to do nothing. Very big updates, in kürze anstehen, where fans begeistert sein, it was en präsentiert wird.

Deck13 Spotlight and Just2D are available for free, DROVA – Forsaken Kin, a top-secret Pixel-RPG game, with Press gameplay and game development (96% positive Steam!), as well as updates with Wochen and Monaten together, all for free Comes with updates.

Veröffentlichung of the Roadmap for a Successful Game can be a great “Tribute Trailer”! Empfang & Pläne DROVA further strengthens Presse and Spielern. Spieler, Team has a lot of DLC and a number of Fortsetzungs, causing Spiel to create revamped Patches with many major Updates.

Feedback Update (November) Feedback Update (November) A simple patch based on Community Feedback. There is a Hohlensystem Card for Relic Camps, a Legendary Functionality, a chosen character, Balancing-Anpassungen and much more.

Crazy Update (December) New Game +, directly in the game pass, brought Team a new rut at best with a new Schwierigkeitsmodus, new Feindverhalten and strong Monster in general. And this new mode now has a better way.

Meat Rising Update (März) Eine neue Herausforderung stellt sich…

All updates ensure that Just2D comes with new project projects.

Sowohl Entwickler also received more than just a DLC as a publisher.

“I think DROVA is the biggest Erlebnis”, Christian Sandkämper, Mitbegründer from Just2D, “Wir wollen nicht mit einem halbherzigen Cashgrab aufwarten. That being the case, with a new Schritt of the Studio as part of the Community Training It got better and better and then even better with the Grundlage of feedback.“

A higher reward from the next Tribute Trailer:

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