
No Man’s Sky: Hello Games released no more games and expanded consoles

No Man’s Sky: Hello Games released no more games and expanded consoles

Hello Games’ Survival-SPiel No Man’s Sky There has been an update that brings a new feature and feature. Highlights include Cross-Save Supports, Optimizations especially for PS5 Pro, and reliable features from Mass Effect-Universum. This is a huge update for No Man’s Sky, and it’s also part of Hello Games’ ongoing series of games.

Cross-Recording and Posting of Accounts

New Cross-Save Support allows you to play games on another platform. It can also be played on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, Steam Deck, PSVR 1 and 2 or PC VR. This is a technology that uses Cross-Save technology through a versatile platform, resulting in a change in functionality. Spieler haben die Möglichkeit, various platforms – Accounts valid for No Man’s Sky’s Website. A gaming feature makes this function very useful and it can be used on another device.

Graphics Boost and Mass Effect Event in No Man’s Sky

Cross-Save-Funktion also includes No Man’s Sky’s PS5 Pro Launched graphics Upgrades. It can be shot in 4K resolution at 60 fps and 8K resolution at 30 fps. Enjoy more efficient gaming, better reflections, and Ambient Occlusion. Additionally, the PSVR2 Edition further benefits from optimization and night-intensive gaming.

A highlight for Mass Effect Fans is the Rückkehr of SSV Normandy SR1 from the believed Science Fiction Franchise. Im Rahmen played N7-Days during “Beachhead” – with the Normandy Expedition being released with an empty Fregatte. Diese Mission is something that Raumschiff brings to Arsenal, as Wochen develops a new game and Spielern has a comprehensive Gelegenheit.

No Man’s Sky constantly includes new updates with gameplay and detailed updates. Alongside the updates for Worlds Part 2 and the new Spiel Light No Fire, more updates arrived at the Game Awards, with No Man’s Sky being recognized as a new update for the long-running new game.