
Mercedes-Benz Group-Aktie: There are negative signals for Handel – Mercedes-Benz Group facilitates the return of Dax

Mercedes-Benz Group-Aktie: There are negative signals for Handel – Mercedes-Benz Group facilitates the return of Dax

This occurred at an exchange rate of 53.77 euros. The top Handels start at 52.50 euros in the current trend.

Im Vergleich zu gestern ist das ein minus 2,36 %. The remaining volumes take longer than the estimated pregnancy in the coming weeks.

The activity of Mercedes-Benz Group AG is 26.91 euros below 52-Wochen-Hoch, which is 71.83 euros late. The 52-Wochen-Tief bet is 51.91 euros.

All Mercedes-Benz Group Activities amounted to 57.53 Billion Euros. It had a 3.17% Gewichtung in Unternehmens Streubesitz-Marktkapitalisierung de Indexbildung. From here I am Börsenwert Dax hat available HANDLE With a Marktkapitalisierung of 257.33 Billion Euros. In this context, Mercedes-Benz Group AG achieved a profit of 111.60 Billion Euros and a profit of 14.81 Billion Euros in December 2022.

Date: EOD Historical Data / Stand: Freitag, 08 November 2024, 10:55 Uhr

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