
La Liga: Reals Coach-Notfallplan enthusiasm, Ancelotti’s fall | football

La Liga: Reals Coach-Notfallplan enthusiasm, Ancelotti’s fall | football

Has something better happened?

Real Coach Carlo Ancelotti (65) delved more into Critique. 0:4-Classic FC Barcelona remained on the field once again with 1:3-Heimpleite overnight Champions League It comes from AC Mailand. Visit Niederlage in Königsklassen-Saison – score points at Spielen, now located at Platz 18 in Tabelle!

In the Spanish League, Barcelona’s first Verfolger des Tabellenführers warns against Punkte Rückstand, Real’s number one Spiel Weniger.

Ancelotti had this to say: “We did not achieve anything from the best version. Our team is not so compact and is much larger. Uns fehlt die Ordnung ve in der Folge kassieren wir zu viele Gegentore“.

Ancelottis Vertrag has been in Madrid since 2026. Nach SPORT BILD-The information is full of warnings about Italy coming together in the summer. Dann, Klub-Präsident Florentino Pérez (77) Ancelotti durch Leverkusen-Coach Xabi Alonso (42) will be ersetzen. The next season (a terrible Champions League-Sieger match with Real) Ancelotti’s warnings were much greater this season.

Mbappé has not been nominated yetSeltsamer Auftritt von Frankreich-National Coach

What happened? BILD/AP

Aber: Wie die spanish “Marca” was given, soll es nach den beiden bitteren Pleiten zuletzt nun erste Notfallpläne bei Real gezen, Falls Ancelotti doch schon früher gehen muss. Laut des Berichts stehen zwei Kandidaten als Interimslösungen bis Saisonende bereit: former Real Stars Raul (47) and Santiago Solari (48).

Raul was a two-year international coach and jetzi coach for Mannschaft Reals and these caveats show that the Klub is a very good school in the summer. The new Option is Solari, the current Sportdirektor, and takes part in the first Real-Trainer battle from October 2018 to March 2019.