
Student education at Deutschland zu Gast in Osdorf

Student education at Deutschland zu Gast in Osdorf

Osdorf. “Es gibt nur ein Gas – Vollgas” is Zuschauerplätzen in Prüfungsviereck Warlasko and also behind Reiterin Cosima von Fircks from Mittelgalopp. Schon beim Tritte verlängern im Trab “Oh!” Ah! Schön!”

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Moreover, Mittellinie zur Grußaufstellung allowed Fircks to acquire Zügel in one hand and introduce Zuschauer to music. Once again, Grüßen met with Leistung von Pferd and Reiterin one night later under the name “Ohhh Oldenburg”.

This is a battle for senior students of the Kieler Student Groups at the Hof Hammerich in Osdorf. And CHUs, “Concours Hippique Universitaire”, like other regular Turniere, are called gerade in Ruhe’s dresses. And Cosima von Fircks made her debut in Warlasko, the last of the two dresses. Students returned to student learning at Pferden and Ponys and prospered as a group. Cables returned in a co-System and cables returned with other Runde cables have been welcomed again and again. Vor Prüfungsbeginn gibts nur wenige Minuten Vorbereitungszeit.

Cables returned in a co-system

Zwölf Mannschaften von Hochschulreitgruppen aus ganz Deutschland warned against Wochenende in Northern Europe. A very beautiful Anreise benefited from student training at the Munich Academy of Sciences. Jewels are included in the Team, every day there is a new Schlachtenbummler “Schlabus” and more. Geschlafen was in a Turnhalle, nothing like sports, he spoke to both Parties.

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Sonnabend, I started tagging Klasse A. Drei Reitgrouppen with a Mannschaftsdresser from Pferde. Combined with the high Wertnote, we achieved a runde weiter and at the same time a better performance than the other two. The Halbfinale war eine Dressurprüfung der Klasse L auf Kandare. The best two times achieved qualification for the Dress final in the Sonntagnachmittag Klasse M. A returning music and a music, a flow of music and a wonder of music.

We reached the final with Springen’s final battle. It all started in a new class, which is Sonntagnachmittag zwei Reiterinnen im Finale übrig blieben.

A Look at Kieler Reitgruppe, Wochenende

“Ich war früher selbst bei den studentenreitern und stelle mein pferd deshalb gerne”, according to Warlaskos Besitzerin Beate Domin. “Teachers can gather their courage and regain their courage and regain their courage.” Warlasko is a good school for Student Education and cannot provide atmospheric benefits. “Bei den Studentsenreitern geht es viel um die Gemeinschaft”, i.e. Domin.

Fircks Kür mit Warlasko und ihre Pflichtaufgabe überzeugten auch Richter, und es wurde der Dresser for die erfahrene The Oldenburg Student Group had a new day with a new Pferd Zweite in the U25-Dressur-Derby in Hamburg. I helped Rebecca Osswald get into the Braunschweig Student Group at Springsattel. Der Mannschaftssieg attends a Student School in Hannover with Tara Schneider, Cora Reifenrath and Jule Ernst.

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“Ich bin sehr glücklich, dass wir das CHU, so it instinctively implies a gebracht haben. A much larger war as a group, das sind so viele tolle Menschen, die wirklich alles gegeben haben, das hat echt super viel Spaß gebracht“, summary Eva-Maria Miebach, die Obfrau der Kieler Reitgruppe. “I am Vordergrund I do not have the Wettkampf character, this is not a thought for me about Pferden and unterinander.”