
Jean Asselborn In His Interview: The AfD Died Without Being a Democrat

Jean Asselborn In His Interview: The AfD Died Without Being a Democrat

Interview with Der langjährige Außenminister von Luxemburg, Jean Asselborn, Heilbronner Parkhotel.

Interview with Der langjährige Außenminister von Luxemburg, Jean Asselborn, Heilbronner Parkhotel. Photo: Berger, Mario

Mr. Asselborn spent a day just after Luxembourg’s ministry to Austria and going everywhere. Want your soul and more?

Asselborn: Es stimmt, ich komme viel rum. Besonders freut mich, dass mich viele Universitäten einladen. That’s all well and good, but with a war going on this long, it had something to do with the fear of the Democratic Party, of all things. This is an extremely good parteien with the AfD.

Macht es mit Ihnen, dass diese Partei so viel Zuspruch bekommt?

Asselborn: Yes like that. Solche Leute did nothing as a Democrat! There are more than 30 people to promote the AfD, it is not easy. There was something in Heilbronn before and sattelfest zu sein…

In Europe, the AfD had the top Kraft with 18 Prozent.

Asselborn: This is a city where Heilbronn is nothing more than a city. A tragedy occurred in Europe and we met with KI-Park. There are so many things and it’s nothing, it’s not just something where the frustration is intense, it’s not visceral at all.

There is a lot in the Bundesvergleich, Löhne hoch sind und Arbeitslosigkeit niedrig ist. Die Lebenszufriedenheit is a very good work. How much have you been through?

Asselborn: Ich glaube, die Grüne liegen schon ein bisschen länger zurück. 2016, the last day of Brexit, in a Vorhaben, complete with Lügen. It was Menschen and Hause’s comeback as fellow women in Great Britain, Lügen von Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, fell again. Dann greeted Donald Trump as President of the United States and went softer for a night. Die Menschen haben komlett die Referenz verloren, Wahrheit und Lüge wast. The most important foods in Europe: Politische Solidarität in den großen Fragen, zum Rechtsstaat und zur Demokratie stehen. This is in Bröckeln.

How much is Reichen?

Asselborn: This is functionality! By 2004. 76 The Prozents of the Spaniards were placed between the dagegen gestimmt of Franzosen and Niederländer and the Verfassungsvertrag of the EU. Wir haben aber im selben Ament zusammengerissen ve den Lissabonner Vertrag verhandelt. Nothing happened. Nothing ever happened in Germany and Frankreich, but European Integration did nothing.

Did you remain a young man and never go anywhere else?

Asselborn: The man is experiencing huge problems in countries such as Germany, Franz and Luxembourg and does not encounter any problems. Als ich aufgewachsen bin, wusste man noch, it was the battle of Krieg. Stau and Grenze are more than 80 kilometers apart. We enjoy European chatter most of the time! Die jungen Leute müssen das begreifen: Das Schengen-Abkommen, mit dem man frei reisen kann, ist einmalig auf der Welt. And I met with Begriff, das kaputt zu machen! Genauso is a Sicht Erasmus like me, so he is with guys from a wide range of Ländern fields of study. Normalization continued for a very long time between Schule and Hause. Europe’s Alternative!

Ukraine-Krieg is in a completely normal situation. While “Spiegel” had not yet met with Russian Minister Sergej Lawrow, I saw that Kriegs had not yet started. Is this the same?

Asselborn: Ja. This is what I needed. World War II was in the real contract of the nation. This is a very important thing, Putin’s most important war, a very unpleasant war for me. Was Beredest du noch mit so jemandem? So, is this such a good thing, a bombastic place within a country and a masculine place? Das Sprechen eine Qual ist.

In the long-standing ministry of the European Union, some time has passed since the arrival of the Rat. Has nothing happened with Russen’s speech, is this such a good thing?

Asselborn: This is very rich. Wir dürfen die Schiene der Diplomatie nicht aufgeben. Naturally Krieg am Runden Tisch enden. I really want to be better. Vieles wird von der US-Wahl am 5. November abhängen.

Is there any change in Kriegsende?

Asselborn: This gift is a Zwangsfrieden, part of Ukraine. The European Union doesn’t matter. More and more Mächte zwingen Putin, einzulenken. I was never interested in China and India and was critical of Europe. Aber die allerwichtigste Frage ist: Was it in Ukraine? Welche Garantien gegen wir ihr? Das Einzige was a NATO-Mitgliedschaft. This was a new Krieg of Bündnisfall. This is a long Prozess that has never worked so far and this is a very important thing for us. I think everything is in Ukraine and in Ukraine. A Waffenstillstand wäre schon viel.

Have you found a theme source in Ukraine at Landtagswahlen in Germany and a part of a BSW in the registry?

Asselborn: Eschreckt mich, wenn gefordert wird, keine Waffen more and in Ukraine, in a Krieg zu. That’s it. Dann ist der Krieg vorbei. Allein kann sich die Ukraine nicht verteidigen. Deswegen veurteile ich diese Wagenknecht-Partei. Adam didn’t allow West to get a solo Rednerpult and then couldn’t get any more of Krieg. Damn, man dying Realität.

Aber: Auch Kanzler Scholz for the first time a Zeitenwende an, trat bei Waffenlieferungen dann als Zögerer in Europe. Taurus-Raketen went to the Bundesrepublik bis heute nicht. Does Deutschland have a Führungsrolle in Europe?

Asselborn: The debates in the states are discussed. Die Deutschen glauben, das sei eine deutsche Debatte, das stimmt aber nicht. I couldn’t resist a German Geschichte Anges inverted Kanzler for a Krieg hat. Ich habe als Luxemburger den Deutschen nicht zu sagen, sie tun sollen.

Is this a positive thing? Krieges: Is there anything new in Germany and Europe?

Asselborn: Vielleicht. This means that Europe in America cannot be replaced in any way. The United States was more than both of the Verteidigungsausgaben in NATO. In Mauer’s autumn before returning, we gained more income in Entwicklungshilfe and invested more in the Waffen. Ich glaube aber, es kann ganz schnell gehen. Trump took control of NATO, with Europe guaranteeing everything, Frage doing everything. Bisher died from NATO’s atomic bomber Schutzschirm. This is a nice European example of Frage, a very nice product.

Dasselbe gilded for Thema Migration. In the Albanien Lager eingerichtet the Italian hat was called asilverfahren beitet werden soll. Did you find it?

Asselborn: Das ist eine Schande für Europa. There is a Rwanda-Agreement in Great Britain, which is also part of Glück. Das ist etwas, ich nur sehr schwer kapiere. Wir waren auf einem guten Weg, auch wenn ich nicht mit allem einverstanden bin, turned into EU-Asylreformu. What should you do to make amends and do it again? This means that Italy has a full zerstört connection with the European Gerichtshof.


Asselborn: There is no other Flüchtlings conference from the Kraft set. There are no others either. As Asyl said, nothing was done. Aber needs to give a guarantee. Für mich ist das uneuropäisch! 2015 Night Consensus War, with all Menschen, according to Mittelmeer ertrinken. Heute sagt man das nicht mehr.

Viele Kommunen can have more knowledge and experience without further knowledge, which leads to Turnhallen and a better Wohnungen. So are you a Lindert man?

Asselborn: Kinder aus Moria in Luxembourg also has children. Es ist schön, zu sehen, wie sie sich entfalten. Leider lives in another generation. Viele zerbrechen auch daran. Trotzdem remained a man and died in Hilfesuchende reinzulassen. This problem is a problem that has no function in Dublin. When countries were better off, men returned, klappt es nicht. I have a great interest in Deutschland. It has an extremely strong solidarity in the European Union.

Zur PersonJean Asselborn works with Steinfort in Luxembourg and is 75 years old. Der Sozialdemokrat war 19 ministered small territories and went beyond other political policies in the EU. Im Herbst 2023 is currently closed. Asselborn owns and operates Töchter. In Heilbronn, the “Württemberger Köpfe” in Gast, Verleihung of the Democratic Party, was praised for stopping Joschka Fischer. to wear