
Were we in the final and we had to go? All Outlets on Überblick

Were we in the final and we had to go? All Outlets on Überblick

Fünf Promis made the final with “Big Brother Promi”. Were we in Treppchen and were we in Sieg?

Grand Finale of “Promi Big Brother” 2024

Das Wichtigste in Kurze

Finalist: Finalist of “Big Brother Promi” 2024

Are we close to the final?

All Folgen and Highlights on Joyn stream

+++ Update, 20. October 2024 +++

Max scheidet überraschend im Halbfinale

Die Entscheidung kam für die Bewohner:innen völlig unerwartet. The candidates are Jochen, Mike, Alida and Mike. Zuschauer: This was made possible by better stimulation of Max Kruse and the numerous Profi-Fußballer of the container.

+++ Update, 19. October 2024 +++

Sarah and Mimi Container Müssen from Verlassen

Sarah Wagner and Mimi Fiedler 24 minutes ago, later:ennen für ihren During the voting period of Verbleib. Am Ende creates a balance between Wildcard-Gewinner and Schauspielerin. Mimi liked Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen für sich. Epilepsy Container verlassen from muss. Doch dann trifft es Mimi doch noch. You can achieve this by using the fact that Matze is one of Bewohner’s candidates and that this person is one of the best candidates (Mimi, Matze and Jochen, the Verlierer of Matze Duels).

While I hated Bruder greatly, having Bewohner as family and friends was also Abend Grußbotschaften for me. No sentimentality is nothing but Auszug von Sarah Wagner And Mimi Fiedler. The Kampf um den Einzug in the Final of the “Big Brother Promotion” is over! Shisha-Gang did more using Tactical: jochen There are so many candidates!

+++ Update, 18. October 2024 +++

Notarzt-Einsatz: Elena Miras ist aus gesundheitlichen Grinden raus

Elena Heritage Musste den Container am Freitagmorgen aus gesundheitlichen Grinden verlassen. I would like to introduce Sprechzimmer to something other than a notary, that is very true. Big Brother’s Fürsorgepflicht is no more, but it cannot get inside the Container. Für Elena is “Promi Big Brother” damit zu Ende. Big Brother wanted Bewohner to provide information. Feedback from Joyn live 24/7, later on SAT.1 at 22:30.

+++ Update, 17. October 2024 +++

“Promi Big Brother” 2024: Container verlassen from Daniel muss

Daniel nahm seinen Rauswurf is back and an. Von seinem Mitbewohner:innen verabschiedete er sich mit den Worten: “Wenn ich jemand verletzt haben sollte, tut es mir leid. Es ist ein Spiel.” In Daniel’s first reaction in the Container Version, this created the strongest family for him. “Dieses Zittern jeden Tag ist schon hart. Ich habe mich jeden Tag vor der Tür gesehen. Jeden Tag dieses Ungewisse, das ist nichts für mich.”

+++ Update, 16. October 2024 +++

Cecilia flew in Nächstes Raus in “Promi Big Brother” 2024

The Cecilia hat is located inside the Container for a multi-purpose Wirbel gesorgt. Sinan and Leyla are all together. It seems that dass dies in Zuschauer: without bothering about anything. At the end of the live show, it became even more difficult for “Promi Big Brother” 2024 to break out of the Koffer package. Even though it may be painful for a human body, do whatever is necessary to choose from the Exit List.

+++ Update, 15. October 2024 +++

Sinan “Big Brother” will be released in 2024

The meeting of Sinan and Leyla in the Live Show took place when Ziel started the final of “Big Brother” 2024. Nothing was done. In the finale, the Exit Number was given to Sinan, Sarah and Jochen. Hier zieht der 19-Jährige den Kürzeren. The TikToker is directly using the Arm genome of two people named Mike and Leyla. Under Bewohner’s Applause: innen Verlässt er den Container.

Sinan Movez in his Exit Interview

+++ Update, 14. October 2024 +++

Auch Bea Peters is this girl

Verena’s Kerth is featured in a rich slate of candidate drama on Container: It consists of two breakout candidates, including the All-in-One. A day later, the promises and actions on the Exit List continue. Niederlage brought the duo Daniel and Sinan together with Bea Peters and Alida Kurras in the final at the Arena.

Für Bea endete der Abend mit ihrem Aus. Die Zuschauer:innen hatten ihr weniger Stimmen as Alida gegeben. This is the Leading Reporter of Exit from ‘Big Brother Promi’ 2024!

Im Clip – Damn, niemand gerechnet: Der zweite Auszug!

Verena Kerth Container Muss from Verlassen

The labels on the container are one of the first to be promised: This is something the top moderator Verena Kerth speculated about, as it is something I expected.

In a live show, there is a very painful Nachricht: All the candidates were considered one of the best incentives. Es heißt jetzt also: Ciao, Verena!


Was he the current candidate?