
Winterflucht in Wilden Westen, Arizona – USA

Winterflucht in Wilden Westen, Arizona – USA

Langlebige Wüstenbewohner: Then, at the age of 80, he moved from Saguaro-Kakteen to his predecessor »Arm.

Langlebige Wüstenbewohner: Then, at the age of 80, he moved from Saguaro-Kakteen to his predecessor »Arm.

Photo: imago/blickwinkel

Die heiße Luft zieht zischend den Stoff. Langsam enriched the Heißluftballon and Gaste Klettern in Korb. A Sicherheitseinweisung during the Tommy Kapitän of Hot Weather Expeditions, that’s it. Langsam worked in Hohe and sonne taught Sonara-Wüste in a magical Licht. Then, over a period of 60 minutes, with a lot of Moroccan and Feigenkakteen, with the best Moroccan and Feigenkakteen, uralten Saguaros and Cowboy-Kakteen genannt, before »Arm’ and took place 80 years later. This is a great house with pools and excellent golf courses and a blitz of much better golf and more precipitation. From Landung: Tommy’s captain is a very good konzentriert in Kakteenfeld as part of Korb. Doch unser Korb settled in the sand and emerged in a Frühstück in Wüste.

While in Scottsdale, USA-Bundestaates Arizona’s Grenze and Mexico’s Süden, we need Urlaubswetter’s Sorgen machine. These years of reign are so valid in Germany and in the world. Das ganze über scheint die Sonne – im Summer warnings gnadenlos heiß mits über 40 Grad Celsius. Doch im Herbst, Winter und Frühling herrschen mit 25 to 28 Grad Celsius perfect Bedingungen, um die Schöne Landschaft beim Wandern, Fahrrad- oder Kanu fahren zu erkunden, or durch die schicke 400 000-Einwohner-Stadt zu bummeln, die nur wenige Autoweekn von Arizona’s Hauptstadt Phoenix and domestic international flughafen district.

We had one night in Scottsdale for 100 years flying the Wildwest-Kaff down the Salt River and a battle at that old Baumwolle. The old Siedler and the native Ureinwohner were never alerted to Pferd’s suspicion. Nachspüren could have a historic Flair in Scottsdales Altstadt. Zwischen is a man full of luxury fashion boutiques and galleries with works of art, the Schulhaus and the Old Mission from 1909, the former katholischen Kirche, a restaurant with the best Mexican inspiration Küche. Wer jetzt auf eisgekühlte Margarita (Cocktail and Tequila) hat, Schreitet durch die Schwingtür des »Rusty Spur Saloons« – at the Bankgebäude der Farmer in 1921 – and finally with a powerfully stimulating and lively Country-Music.

A city takes up more space in the Arizona-Canal Stadt. On a street in Wasserstraße, a walk began from the 19th century, numerous restaurants, shopping malls and art centers Robert Indiana’s Buchstaben-Skulptur began with “LOVE”. A wide swath of the canals are located in Scottsdale’s finest Museen Museum: The Musical Instrument Museum, located in the South during Elvis Presley’s Melodies in the USA. At the Museum of the West, a multitude of Westerns combine beautifully with John Wayne & Co.’s style of the West.


  • -Anreise:
    Phoenix’s direct connection from Frankfurt am Main zB to Lufthansa. 650 Euro, Umsteigen zB von United, Delta, KLM or Air France ab ca. 500 euros.
  • General Information:
  • View:
    Another tour of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hauskomplex Tour at West Taliesin Buchen. Salt River Organization zB Runaway Tours from Riverbound Sports (
  • Unterkunft:
    JW Marriott Scottsdale Camelback Inn Resort & Spa is one of the top tram hotels in Kakteen, Bougainville and Kamelrückenberge in Arizona. The big Hollywood and American politics include Gast, Clark Gable, Bette Davis and John F. Kennedy. Gäste wohnen in luxurious and modern Casitas, to die in a hellish Nature and have a Garten-Terrasse or a Balcony. Übernachtungen ab ca. 400 Euro pro Night.

It’s certainly something that Frank-Lloyd-Wright-Haus emphasizes. Der Architektur-Pionier presented to sich früh in Scottsdale. Along with the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Lloyd Wright works with Sand, Steine, Kakteen, and others at Winterhaus and Studio at Sonara-Wüste in the Camelback Mountains, beginning in the 1930s. weder Strom noch Wasser. Take control of the Muskelkraft and the smarter Planung to the fast Hauskomplex Taliesin in the West, in harmony with nature, with a larger area and a higher climate. Once again, you can take a 60-minute tour at the Architekturmeisterwerk during the UNESCO-World Culture Tour.

We were far from being a part of nature, and this became a travel opportunity for us. Weißkopfseeadler and Blaureiher together with Luft and Wasser Stehen Dutzende von Wildpferden reached Wasser Paddelt. Nothing happened from More Wilder West.

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