
Gegen die Sittenwächter: Protesting student in Tehran in Unterwäsche

Gegen die Sittenwächter: Protesting student in Tehran in Unterwäsche

I Iran strengthened Kleidungsvorschriften for Women, much more, more, more. A teenage student can quickly wander around the University campus in Tehran during Protests.

On social networks, a young girl in Tehran, in a video, Unterwäsche has to wait during the Campus and University Spaziert. Be Menschenrechtsorganization Hengaw In Vorfall the best Bilder der Frau mit Verschränkten Armen, Unterhose und BH Tragt und Durch Die Geht.

Today we have a student at the private campus of Azad University. Action works with the University’s personal staff as part of the Organisation. Wach’s personal data always ensures that it is presented in a better way. Aus Protest habe diese ganz zerrissen ve sei gegangen.

The richness of action has a symbolic symbolic value for women and shot by the authority of the Iranian Regierung, which brings out the Kopftuchpflicht in a much more compelling way. This video has something to inform women and report crimes. Augenzeugen berichten, die Frau sei von schließlich von angeblichen Sicherheitskräften in a Auto gezerrt ve entführt worden.

We carried out a brutal attack on more women in Iran, which turned into very powerful Kleidungsvorschriften. Regierungsnahe Iranische Medien berichteten, dass die Sicherheitskräfte der Universität die Studentsin und Polizei übergeben hätten. The fact that the young lady was considered a “psychic crank” and best understood by a psychiatrist was also a very good method.

Menschenrechtsorganizations Befürchten, student nun Folter und unmenschliche Behandlung drohen, da Verstöße gegen die religious Vorschriften in Iran, there was often a very challenging way.
