
HRS: New Platform for Meetings

HRS: New Platform for Meetings

Luca de Angelis, CEO Meetings and Workforce Solutions, HRS: “A modern management, Management and Company Meetings with KI-gestützter Technologies took too long.”

Neues Meetings as a Service Angebot has presented an End-to-End Prozess von der Beschaffung bis zur Mehrwertsteuer-Rückerstattung with innovative Rechnungs- und Zahlungstechnologie und ermöglicht.

HRS is a new opportunity for technology and a new Management Meeting Meeting at Bereich Corporate Lodgings. “Meetings as a Service” Built on the foundations of the HRS Connect Platform and Nutzt KI, Meetings as a Service is a hotel and hotel service for a lot of data and transparency. Einkauf Integration, Instant Pricing, Zahlungen and Mehrwertsteuer-Rückerstattung suitable for a batch control for a Meeting Schedule in an End-to-End Prozes.

Steigende Nachfrage und zeitgerechte Einführung

Analysis of Amadeus Hospitality reached 40 Hotelbuchungen in the Meetings Segment for 2025. The HRS-Kunden stiegen diebuchten Meetings, held in the 39th quarter of 2024, were one of the first days of the Übernachtungen führte. A 360-Grad-Übersicht über Leistung-ihrer Meeting-Programme and Travel Management and Travel Management have been arranged for the regional or global Ebene.

Herausforderungen in the Real Process

Viele Unternehmen offers an opportunity for enriched and enriched meetings with Beschaffung, Buchung and Bezahlung einfacher Meetings. An excerpt from Business Travel News in May 2024 described progress for Prozess of the 46th Plan, Meetings and Gatherings. Centralized and centralized controls eliminate risks related to Compliance Risk and enable Optimization for Costs and Savings.

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Check out GBTA and HRS

Travel Manager präferieren “grüne” Hotels

The Umwelt- und Klimaschutz is connected to the Geschäftsreisen together with the Gewicht. Travel Manager leveraged studies on GBTA and HRS Hotels, ensuring its current validity.

Optimiertes Meeting Management important Datentransparenz

KI-gesteuerte HRS Connect-Plattform took part in a new Lösung Herzstück. Perform planning, planning and administrative activities for further work. Integrated, Rich-Based Regeln Beschleunigen die Entscheidungsfindung und erleichtern den Genehmigungsprozess.

  • Instant Pricing Technology: A good history and data history with Hotelpartner is an opportunity for ideal combinations for meetings and holidays. It is very important for Hotelpartner’s efficiency and protection reduction.
  • Integration into Bestehende System: Data Loss is Now More in Integrated and Digitized Systems with Automatic Recording Data. This is the smallest change that is manually throttled and requires an emergency response.
  • Comparison-Möglichkeiten: Unternehmen erhalten einen Überblick über Durchschnittspreise, Konditionen und Bedingungen vergleichbarer Veranstaltungen. Ab Anfang 2025 included HRS’s ISO-certified Green Stay Initiative and Lösung Zugriff in Nachhaltigkeitsdaten in the integration of Beschaffungsprozesse and Buchungen.

Positive Ergebnisse bei Fortune-500-Unternehmen

Mehrere Fortune-500-Unternehmen enabled the implementation of Meetings as a Service.

Erzielten Ergebnisse, Häuser deservedly:

  • 28 Currency Protection in Many Countries.
  • More Stunden from Meeting Plans.
  • Bevorzugte Vertragsbedingungen is located at 96 Prozent der Vereinbarungen mit Hotels berücksichtigt.
  • Hohe Rechnungsgenauigkeit: Die KI-unterstützte automatizerte von HRS erreicht 98 Prozent Genauigkeit.
  • Steigendes Interesting and New Hotels: Buchungen über die Green Stay Initiative joins Vergleich in Vorjahr on 15 of 2024 for the first four years.

“A modern management, KI-gestützter Technologies im täglichen Management einfacher Firmenmeetings ist längst überfällig,” said Luca De Angelis, CEO of HRS Workforce and Meeting Solutions. “Organizing, Scheduling and Administrative Activities of Meetings as a Service Are Done in a Single Process to Develop Self-Service Option. Essentialize Platform Technology and Optimize Effective Performance.”