
Skoda Rally2: Special Sonder models with Rennsport-Genen

Skoda Rally2: Special Sonder models with Rennsport-Genen

The Limited Edition Fabia Rally2 won the Erfolge of “Cohete” Suárez in the Spanish Rally Super Championship (S-CER). Rennfahrer and Skoda Spanien have developed optisch and technisch überzeugt with a dynamic craftsmanship model. Details also form the DNA of Fabia’s Motorsport Festival among Skoda’s pilots.

Leistungsteigerung at ABT Sportsline

With the replacement of the 1.5 Liter TSI Engine, ABT Sportsline was switched. The Monte Carlo Models total 150 PS, reaching 190 PS and a maximum torque of 290 Nm. With a 15 mm Body series, a Sportfahrwerk has the hand movement performance and greater stability. A 7-Gang-DSG-Getriebe was something Kraft had in the Vorderrader, for more rewards and sports.

Porsche 911 GT3 RS Zentralverschluss-Felge

Einzigartige Optik im Mamba-Grün

Außenlackierung in Mamba-Grün macht den Fabia Rally2 very earlynbar. The Dieser Farbton is exclusive to Skoda’s RS model and is the last model of the original Fabia RS Rally2 model. 17-Zoll-OZ-Racing-Felgen on Matt Schwarz combined with Michelin Pilot Sport 5 Reifen. Numerous sports events were held in Heckspoiler and Kotflügel in Mattschwarz, Rallye-Insignien and “Cohete” Suárez-Logos were combined with Rallyesport concrete.

Edles and functionalities Interieur

There are two sports at the Fabia Rally2 Innenraum: the Schwarze Sportsitze, which was previously a multi-functional sports competition and the Schaltwippen a Rennsport event before it stopped. On a Plaque, “Cohete” appeared in the Print Issue signed by Suárez, as a personal note from Fahrzeug. These details distinguish the exclusive features of the models and many other objects.

Attractive Options for Käufer

This limited edition comes with some free events: You can organize a special event together with another Fabia RS Rally2, with “Cohete” Suárez participating live and taking part in Co-Pilot Platz. Skoda has not yet entered Auto at Motorsport-Erlebnis and fans are faced with great excitement. Bestellbar is a model provided by the official service provider on the Skoda Website or in Spanien. The price of 30,900 euros for an attractive sports package is available with the Monte Carlo Model.

  • Engine: 1.5 Liter TSI, modified with ABT Sportsline, 190 PS and 290 Nm Drehmment
  • Getriebe: 7-Gang-DSG-Getriebe with Sporty Abstimmung
  • Fahrwerk: 15 mm connection distance for better stability and optics
  • Reifen and Felgen: 17-Zoll-OZ-Racing-Felgen in Mattschwarz, Michelin Pilot Sport 5 Reifen
  • Lackierung: Exclusive Mamba-Grün-Lackierung inspired by RS Rally2
  • Design Details: Mattschwarzer Heckspoiler, Rallye-Insignien, “Cohete” Suárez-Logos
  • Interior: Schwarze Sportsitze, Sportlenkrad and Schaltwippen, signed on the plaque
  • Price: 30.900 Euros
  • Latest Actions: Event with “Cohete” Suárez for the first Käufer, including Co-Pilotenerlebnis