
Mercedes-Benz Group-Aktie: With a Minus – Mercedes-Benz Group may not do anything with Dax

Mercedes-Benz Group-Aktie: With a Minus – Mercedes-Benz Group may not do anything with Dax

Anteilsschein from Börsentag was acquired for an exchange rate of 56.95 euros. The highest Börsentages cost 56.33 euros according to Druck.

I did it with a Minus of 1.09%. We have so much knowledge that it never allows us to acquire more knowledge, but Handels’ volume is just as small.

The activity of Mercedes-Benz Group AG is 21.57 euros below 52-Wochen-Hoch, which is 71.83 euros late. The 52-Wochen-Tief bet is 52.13 euros.

All Mercedes-Benz Group Activities amounted to 60.93 Billion Euros. The Streubesitz-Marktkapitalisierung of the Mercedes-Benz Group AG had a 3.33% Gewichtung in the Indexbildung. From here I am Börsenwert Dax hat available of SAP With a Marktkapitalisierung of 261.30 Billion Euros. In this context, Mercedes-Benz Group AG achieved a profit of 111.60 Billion Euros and a profit of 14.81 Billion Euros in December 2022.

Date: EOD Historical Data / Stand: Mittwoch, 30. October 2024, 10:55 Uhr

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