
New Teleksopbühnenserie von LGMG |

New Teleksopbühnenserie von LGMG |


Launched the New Product LGMG at Bauma China in November.

New Products launched LGMG with the new Auslegerdesign auszeichnen with the New Electro and Hybrid Arbeitsbühnen der Serie-2 with 40 Meters. Bei der Ersten Einheit, der Elektrisch Betriebenen Teleskopbühne T28 Je-2 Mit Einer Arbeitshöhe von 29,8 Metern, Scheint Die Wichtigste änderung Ein Neuer, HoChbelardaus Zu, einteiliger DoppelarmBarer Etzt.

New T28 JE-2 – with Gelenk

Current T28JE

New Models feature electrical and hydraulic systems as well as electrical and hydraulic systems that work efficiently and effectively. All electrical devices, together with permanent magnet synchronous motors, are important in ensuring that Motors and Directions are made easier and more efficiently and energy efficiency is achieved.
Bringing a new telescopic model to the market, get all electric models with Lithium Battery Packs and then can be used for a longer time.