
Test at MotoGP-Debüt im Valencia-Gefahr!

Test at MotoGP-Debüt im Valencia-Gefahr!

General Siege Fermin Aldeguer I let Moto2 Saisonrennen in Vorjahr and bought my Ticket MotoGP-Aufstieg. Kurz nach dem Jahresauftakt in Qatar joke Ducati zu, Spanish Toptalent and Verpflichtete Race at Gresini Racing with Pramac-Abgang on Yamaha Schließlich in 2026. Sein Debüt in der Königsklasse hätte Aldeguer eigentlich beim Valencia-Test Ende November pregnant sollen, doch seine dortige Teilnahme ist nun in großer Gefahr.

Auslöser dafür ist der Thailand Grand Prix I gave permission to Wochenende. Dort kämpfte Aldeguer darum, seine Resthoffnungen auf den Moto2-Titel 2024 is below Zugzwang in the Leben zu erhalten and Startplatz qualifiers. Darum considers Boden, along with WM-Rivale Ai Ogura, to be better than the 19-Jährige school in the world. There’s something very important and forgiving about Tony Arbolino. For Piloten war das Rennen auf der Stellar. Stewards attend Zwischenfall over ‘Racing Incident’.

Handwritten by Fermin Aldeguer at Moto2-Crash in Thailand

Ein etwas überraschendes Urteil, war Aldeguer doch eindeutig Unfallauslöser. The stewards signed a race in which SpeedUp-Pilot competed with great ambition: One of the best choices for the Thai GP in Moto2 is that Aldeguer should be with Schmerzen with the Check-Up connection at the Medical Center. Following Strecke, a port fault was detected in MotoGP. Daraufhin enters Krankenhaus in Buriram and Bruch turns out to be one of the best nights of the night.

Team SpeedUp once again trained Aldeguer in Barcelona, ​​Spain, and he returned to Barcelona as an operative in Dienstag. Eine Teilnahme am Malaysia-GP am kommenden Wochenende Sepang (01. – 03.11.) There is little that Rennstall von Gründer Luca Boscoscuro has the best status of Nachwuchspilot Alberto Surra.

Die große Frage lautet nun natürlich: Wird Aldeguer rechtzeitig zum Saisonfinale in Is Valencia (15th – 17.11th) fitter? As soon as the speed increases, the speed up speed is increased in Malaysia. Most of the posts we share on Instagram are like this: “I want to do something for Hause once again in Valencia. I stopped Laufenden too!”

Is Wird Fermin Aldeguer eligible for the Valencia-Test?

Moreover, his Moto2 Kapitel in 66 Grand-Prix-Starts and other Pole Positions in Siegen were also extremely successful. Latest MotoGP time – testing with Rahmen in Valencia – in Dienstag (19.11.)? Schwer said the Genesungszeitraum didn’t fix anything. MotoGP-Arzt Dr. Angel Charte is a very good Hoffnung: “Dr. Xavier Mir works at the Dienstag in Barcelona. Nagel has an endomedullären. We also performed very well during the Valencia Test (Aldeguer, Anm.) “Konnte. ” Nichts unmöglich also, aber zumindest einige Restzweifel bleiben.

The Valencia Test was an old race for MotoGP Stars and a test run for a new Motor Race. The Rookies’ Speziells with Aldeguer, Ai Ogura (Trackhouse) and Somkiat Chantra (LCR) are an important Gelegenheit, the best and best motor racing. Danach, together with Shakedown (31.01 – 02.02.), Sepang-Test (05. – 07.02.) and Buriram-Test (12. – 13.02.), allowed Thailand-GP to have a better test together with the new MotoGP. The 2025 season begins. Sollte der künftige grease-The pilot found a good starting point to start the MotoGP-Karriere, without doing anything in Valencia.