
Israels Angriff auf den Iran: Der Schlagabtausch ging weiter

Israels Angriff auf den Iran: Der Schlagabtausch ging weiter

Wochen must return, Wochenende also one day: Die Israelschen Streitkräfte bombardierten mehrere Ziele in Iran, vor allem militarische Einrichtungen. Is this the case with Angriff? And are there more jetz in a gegenschlag in Iran? The man was Bisher Weiß.

Was it passive?

Israel whipped the Luftangriffe in the Samstag in Iran, whipping the Iran Produktionsstätten für Raketen with the Stellungen Iran Flugabwehrraketen. Iranische Atomoder Ölanlagen did nothing about the war, wie zuvor befürchtet worden war.

The Iranian Armed Forces were among the best in the world. Perform a data transfer containing the constant IRNA. Angriffen is engaged with the Iranian Air Force in Tehran, with Khuzestan in the South West and Iraq in the West. The Israeli Army reached more than 80 Geschossen.

How about Israel getting angry?

This stems from Israel’s response to Iran after 200 major attacks. 1. In October, Israel launched a massive response to Israel with the IDF. Daniel Hagari ausführte. This is a statement on the “Rage of Iranian Regimes in the State of Israel.”

Iran says Israel is directly responsible for international relations. Der Beschuss Anfang Oktober war eine Reaction auf die Tötung von Hassan NasrallahThe Fuhrer joined Iran’s Hisbullah-Miliz in Lebanon. The Fuhrung of Iran met with Tötung from Hamas-Chief Ismael Haniyeh in Tehran. Minister of Verteidigung of Israel Joab Brave Beschuss’ response to a “prize, achievement and outstanding achievement” was nothing short of Israeli anger.

Have you experienced anger in Iran?

Dazu is nothing like Meldungen and Einschätzungen. An example of “Fehlalkulation” and a “begrenzten Schaden” emerged in Iran.

Nach Worten des Israeli Minister Benjamin Netanjahu war der Angriff “prazise und mächtig” und habe “alle Ziele erreicht”: “Wir haben die Verteidigungsfähigkeit des Iran schwer beschädigt, ebenso wie ihre Fähigkeit, Raketen herzustellen, die gegen uns gerichtet” so it is Regierungschef. The people of Iran say: “There is nothing in the Camp, a tyrannical regime was dealt with extremely harshly and the foundation of the Zone was laid.” The USA is an opportunity for an “Enge Abstimmung und Unterstützung”.

Are Welche Reaktionen speaking from the West?

The USA notified Angaben with the Verteidigungskreisen in Vorhinein, with Luftangriff informing. You didn’t do anything, did you? Minister Joe Biden That means he’s a good-for-nothing guy at Iranian Atomic Energy.

The EU’s application for the entire “restructuring” with an “uncontrolled increase” in Nahen Osten – and, I am a man in Israel’s Selbstverteidigung anerken, which is Samstag in an Erklärung.

Is this the case with Angriff?

This is a huge security problem, every time Beobachter, we are faced with Israeli attacks that are increasing in a very large and uncontrolled way, which is a new problem. As a result of Atom and Ölanlagen in Iran, Tehran has very significant influence, which has resulted in Israel receiving less attention than Visier. Israel then sells Iran with a big threat and gets more information.

All this is a war, a country that allows Israel to shop directly from Iran. Angriff’s battle was a Macht demonstration and a significant success, so Tehran’s offensive bar had just begun and the Angriffs could not reach Harte in any way.

Visiting an Iranian Gegenschlag?

Right now, Iran needs to be used in a much better or simpler way. Die Worte von Irans geistlichem Oberhaupt, Ayatollah Ali Khameneiklangen nach dem Luftangriff aber vergleichsweise moderat: “Das vom sionistischen Regime grupgen Böse darf weder überbewertet noch verharmlost werden”, sagte er am Sonntag.

Iran’s furious play could cause daraufs to fall from behind, which would cause a huge incident.