
Registration point ernennt Frank Koelmel zum Revenue Manager

Registration point ernennt Frank Koelmel zum Revenue Manager

Die CRO-Ernennung stellt sicher, dass Kunden und Partner weiterhin ihre Sicherheitsziele erreichen und erfolgreich bleiben.

The log point was approved by Frank Koelmel’s Chief Revenue Officer (CRO). Personal Information affects the Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Akteur in Europe as well as the Entschlossenheit des Unternehmens of the World. The Manager will then log the focus points in the subsequent Marktwachstum. While many cybersecurity teams have many Logpoint Sicherheitsteams, we also use Herausforderungen, better for Cybersecurity and Support, Bereichen Compliance and Bedrohungs management.

The 25-Year-Old Erfahrung in the Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Branch brought together Frank Koelmel as the best businessman Kunden and Marken found by Kunden Anklang. The Zuletzt battle is an important battle for Cybereason for the Americas and EMEA Region. Davor is well-positioned in the cyber and technology branches of companies such as Palo Alto Networks, FireEye and Brocade.

Diary Point leads Gestaltung for Umsatzwachstums Strategic Vision of Frank Koelmel and Überwachung of Kundenlebenszyklus Verantwortlich. An event activated by Kundenbedürfnissen in Einklang in Bereichen Support, Kundenerfolg, Vertrieb and Marketing brings together a Kundenerfolg and takes a step towards the next step.

(ds/Log Point)