
BFE grünet Abteilung “Control Room Solutions” › ProMediaNews

BFE grünet Abteilung “Control Room Solutions” › ProMediaNews



BFE Studio und Medien System GmbH has a new “Control Room Solutions” strategy for Portfolios in the UK and Control Center. Johannes Günther, Senior Solution Architect at Abteilung Broadcast-IT Systeme, leads the Leitung and brings a new Erfahrung in the field of System Integration and Project Planning. As a new generation, there are new technology modernizations at the WDR-Auslands studios in Brussels, Nairobi, New York, Paris, Warschau and Washington, and this is a huge production of infrastructure for UHD and cross-media integration..

BFE grünet Abteilung “Control Room Solutions” › ProMediaNews
Johannes Günther (2nd links) forms New Control Room Solutions Team from BFE (Image: BFE)

“Unser Ziel is the Marktstandard for Leitstellentechnologien zu setzen und unseren Kunden Lösungen zu bieten, die sowohl höchste Effizienz als auch exzellente gewährleisten,” erklärt Günther. “Wir möchten BFE als führenden Anbieter im Bereich Leitstellentechnologien etablieren und gleichzeitig kontinuierlich auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden eingehen.”

Angebotens within the scope of “Control Room Solutions” provide even greater savings for one center and another Überwachung and Steuerung. Together with the implementation of the large visual visualization system, Leistungsportfolio enables the integration of the Steuerungs system with the new KSC Software. The BFE Leitstellen is stable and efficient in terms of safety and security, effective in Einsatzumgebung, Verkehrszentralen, Nottrufleitstellen or other Infrastructure projects.

Expertise in Projects

Best of the team: Aleksandar Bancic and Fabian Schmitt, Solution Architects and Technical Sales Manager at Oliver Aus. Bancic has brought a technology to Netzwerk technology and Schmitt is a specialist in complete System Integration Controls and offers a long-term service in Leitstellentechnologie. Experts bring together the best and special Anforderungen – Beratung for a Kunden – Realization and Realization Plan in Prozesskette. The new Team can help restructure the BFE-Resource.

Martin Dempf, Geschäftsführer of the BFE Martin Dempf, “Control Room Solutions” is the best Schritt for the BFE as a reliable partner. “Johannes Günther is an expert on the new techniques in international project management that Leitung brings. Mit seiner Leitung, unseren Kunden Lösungen un der die auch langfristig den höchsten Anforderungen gerecht werden.“

Die new developments came together with partners with the best gaming and modern technology sets. BFE has an extremely flexible and flexible structure in its new Integration and Interoperability System.

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