
Seadrill’s EBITDA-Erwartungen and Deferral Forecasts on

Seadrill’s EBITDA-Erwartungen and Deferral Forecasts on

Seadrill Limited (NYSE: SDRL) compiled the most important data in Offshore-Bohrunternehmen, Quarter 2024 and achieved great success in EBITDA-Erwartungen. Das Unternehmen is the best result of Prognose for Gesamtjahr. EBITDA of US$93 Million was the highest EBITDA estimate, accounting for 13% of revenues of US$385 Million.

Trotz achieved an exchange rate of between US$354M and US$375M on Vorquartal, which is a very long time for Seadrill to gain a large amount of financial resources. This year, in September 2023, an activity program worth USD 692 Million was launched and action was taken.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

– Seadrills achieved EBITDA of $93M in Q3 2024, representing 13% of its forecast.

– Payments were reduced to $354 Million, then to $307 Million.

– There is a fleet forecast of 70% for 2025 and there is conzentriert between Bohrschiffe and bilateral activity.

– Seadrill took place in September 2023 at the US$ 692 Million Aktienrückkäufe and Aktionäre zurück.

– An EBITDA of 375 to 395 Million USD is predicted for 2024, and this figure has reached 1.4 Billion USD.

– Management priorities are important for productivity to make cash flow more efficient.


– The offshore drilling facility has been optimized and operated in the best possible way for 2025.

– Das Unternehmen is Prognosen’s best product according to the 2025 Vertragsverhandlungen.

– Focus on Cash Flow Generation with the Seadrill Strategy for a day.

Featured on Bearische

– Das Unternehmen verzeichnete einen Rückgang der Betriebseinnahmen aufgrund von Vertragsabschlüssen.

– Betriebskosten stiegen regarding repair and Wartungskosten.

– For the 4th quarter of 2024, investments were reduced and EBITDA was reduced.

Highlights of Bullische

– With Golf in Mexico, we ensured Sevan Louisiana-Bohrinsel reached Australia in a positive way.

– Bohrinseln in Brazil West Auriga and Bedeutende Fortschritte bei Projekten in West Polaris, Vertragsbeginn stehen kurz.

– Seadrill benefits from the long-term fristigen Lebensfähigkeit of Offshore-Sektors.


– Seadrill has a Rückgang der Betriebseinnahmen in Vergleich zum Vorquartal.

– Das Unternehmen, together with the kurzfristige Herausforderungen of the Neuvertragsabschlüssen hin, suitable for the Anfang of 2025.

Q&A Highlights

– Führungskräfte embodies effective Cost and Resource management with Bedeutung.

– The best potential for Akquisitionen falls on Bedingungen eintreten, one of the best in Möglichkeiten for 2025.

– Management utilized financial policy and economic activities, which are the foundations of financial policy.

Always Search for Seadrills Earnings Quarterly Financials is an opportunity to earn a new financial gain and operate in a market for Aktions. A cash flow-oriented strategy and efficient positioning with offshore drilling is a good strategy to navigate the Offshore-Bohrlandschaft and achieve greater savings and proceed profitably.

InvestingPro Erkenntnisse

Young financing Leistung von Seadrill Limited strengthens Kennzahlen and further strengthens InvestingPro-Data. The US$2.56 Billion Unternehmens Marktkapitalisierung has reached a wider market in Offshore-Bohrsektor. This outperformed the previous year, with Seadrills posting a yearly revenue of 6.26, as well as a big gain in Q3 2024 and long after. -Value Forecasting- Investments are attractive.

InvestingPro-Data has a positive forecast ahead, with Monaten achieving a return of 32.29% in the 2nd quarter of 2024. A return of 47.06% was achieved during last year’s largest EBITDA-Wachstum, with Seadrills achieving its highest EBITDA-Charge in Q3 2024.

An Investment Pro-Tipp, Gewinne Schneller gewachsen of Aktienkurs as well as Seadrills had the irreversible potential of a Markt from behind. Diese Beobachtung is about important predictions and predictions regarding young financial resources.

a little more InvestmentPro-hint we

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