
Früher Bayern, nun Coach: Carsten Jancker im Interview

Früher Bayern, nun Coach: Carsten Jancker im Interview

Carsten Jancker has been working for a long time at Kararrier: Der 50-Jährige and is a Trainer in Österreich. One day, FC Bayern’s Spieler-Zeit switched again in the 2001 Champions League Victory Party and caught up with Leben in Leoben.

Ein Mann, Welten: Carsten Jancker served as Coach at Leoben (li.) and was the first Fallrückzieher in the 1999 Champions League Final.

Ein Mann, Welten: Carsten Jancker served as Coach at Leoben (li.) and was the first Fallrückzieher in the 1999 Champions League Final.
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Carsten Jancker had been Umzug’s best friend since the day of the interview. After 50-Years of Education, with training starting the night before, that’s a good thing too. “Ich muss ja nicht mehr selbst spielen”, Jancker und lacht.

This is the jetzt Coach of the Champions League Sieger and Vizeweltmeister German. With Karayol, Jancker became the best second division player of DSV Leoben, a good school in the 2nd League and an extremely good player. Monate said that after April, Konkurs with a Werksklub of Leoben, Sturz performed better with a turbulent Geschichte in amateur football and another Zwangsabstieg.

Jancker served as German Coach at Österreich and played with Franz Beckenbauer once again at Anrufbeantworter, where he performed extremely successfully in the 2001 Champions League Victory Party.

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