
X Reveals More Information from Community Notes

X Reveals More Information from Community Notes

X has a new development in the Fact Check-Function Community Notes. The whole system is perfect and operates in the best way of all time – a transaction is processed every 15 minutes, the fastest time in Germany.

Community Notes, das 2022 eingeführt wurde, setzt auf die Community, um irreführende mit zusätzlichem Context o Korrekturen zu verse. Nutzer had a much better experience and then became more easily accessible. A “significant” use of Community Notes was related to monetary Einschränkungen.

The new “Lightning Notes” are available with a new function: after 14 minutes and 33 seconds, the first live notification can be made – this is a schedule. This is a system that is often criticized and contains a lot of viral information.

Allerdings bedeutet das nicht, dass ab sofort alle unreführenden Messages o KI-generierte Bilder sofort werden. X never managed to hit the Überprüfung mark directly, reaching close to 800,000 on the schedule.

Transparent: Articles about Partnerlinks are entalten. Click once to go directly to a location. There’s another one every day for just one thing, with a small supply. Für euch ändert sich am Preis nichts. Partnerlinks provided access to some Berichterstattung.